Systems Engineering Foundations

The Systems Engineering foundations course provides a solid background of the core Systems Engineering discipline. Including learning and practicing the application of Systems Engineering methodologies, enhancing know-how with an interactive workshop and covering detailed use cases. The course attendance is strictly limited to a ratio of no greater than 6:1 Participants: Presenters, thus enhancing the effectiveness of the training. Given that Systems Engineering needs to be tailored to each Participant's unique needs, increasing the Presenter's availability per Participant, is a key quality measure of this training course. In addition, an evening meal with the course presenters is included in the course fees.

Discount: 10% for INCOSE members

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Beginn der Veranstaltung 02.10.2024
Ende der Veranstaltung 04.10.2024
Anbieter SE-Training GmbH
Kostenpflichtig Ja
Veranstaltungsort Ankara, Turkey

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